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Fall 2022 TechLaw Conference:

Information as Medicine

Information communications technologies and data are now among the tools that doctors and patients frequently use to diagnose or treat health problems, and by all accounts, the use of Big Data, AI, telemedicine, and other information technologies is sure to grow. However, as information technologies begin to encroach on spaces and decisions traditionally inhabited by doctors, pharmaceutical drugs, or invasive tests, they are subjected to the same regulations that have constrained physicians and pharmaceutical companies in the past. In this workshop, scholars, practitioners, and regulators will explore whether and how well the regulatory methods and rationales developed during the industrial economy fit the information economy. By the end of the conference, we hope to identify a few promising areas where legislation or strategic litigation can most improve the health regulatory status quo.

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Focus area: AI and Big Data, Privacy Problem-Solving, Free Speech

Date TBD

The Washington, D.C. Center for Outreach & Collaboration

1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Suite 500 Washington, DC 20004


Past Events

The Uniform Personal Data Protection Act:

Could the New Model Law Solve the U.S. Privacy Conundrum?

This one-hour webinar features key players involved in the drafting and development of the Uniform Law Commission’s (ULC) new model privacy law discussing UPDPA and its implications. Professor Jane Bambauer served as the “reporter” for the ULC’s model privacy law.

Focus area: Privacy Problem-Solving

Faculty: Jane Bambauer

The Journal of Free Speech Law Conversation Series:

The Journal of Free Speech Law Conversation Series

TechLaw, in collaboration with UCLA’s Institute for Technology, Law & Policy, hosted a set of virtual public conversations between authors who published in the Journal of Free Speech Law and the Journal’s executive editors.

Focus area:  Free Speech

Faculty: Jane Bambauer

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