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Discourse and Research from TechLaw

International Law & Technology

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Focus Areas: International Law & Technology

Data, speech, and the effects of technology travel the globe with much greater ease than people and goods do. As a result, the usual tools for managing state sovereignty and cross-border relations are put under stress. International research collaborations create friction with export control laws. U.S. government surveillance affects how privacy law is interpreted in the EU and other countries. And differences in speech-related laws and norms cause governments and global companies to become intimately engaged in content moderation and censorship. 

TechLaw faculty Andrew Keane Woods and Derek Bambauer  have long-established reputations for research that illuminates the challenges that technology causes for a world with diverse needs and government structures. Among their path-breaking articles in this area are:

Andrew Keane Woods, Litigating Data Sovereignty, 128 Yale Law Journal 328 (2018)

Andrew Keane Woods, Against Data Exceptionalism, 68 Stanford Law Review 729 (2016)

Derek Bambauer, Orwell’s Armchair, 79 U. Chicago Law Review 863 (2012)

Derek Bambauer, Cyberseives, 59 Duke Law Journal 377 (2009) Derek Bambauer, Filtering in Oz: Australia’s Foray into Internet Censorship (2008)


The Atlantic (April 25, 2020) In this provocative essay, Jack Goldsmith and Andrew Keane Woods argue that American tech firms’ mission to export First Amendment values to the rest of the world was a misguided failure.
Discourse Type: Policy Papers
Andrew Woods contributed to this report of the UN Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Committee and testified before the UN Security Council on the same topic.

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